Work better together.

Collaborate with more ease. Get more done. Be more effective.


Are you a leader looking for ways to develop your team?

  • I just added two new team members and want to welcome them in and help everyone get to know each other better.  

  • I’ve inherited a team that had a really ineffective leader before, and I want to establish trust and strengthen relationships quickly

  • We’re looking for ways to have some fun together as a group.

  • We’ve just reorganized, and people on my team are now in different roles and supporting different customers.  I want to set us up for success in the new model. 

  • I want my new team aligned and working well together from the start. 

  • My team is burnt out, and we need to reconnect to our greater purpose and each other.


Effective leaders know when calling in outside support is the best way to help their teams work well together and achieve their goals.

Leaders today wear many hats and have many skills, but they can’t be all things to all people.


Engaging the help of a strong facilitator and empathic coach can make all the difference.

Whether you’re launching a new team, realigning your purpose and values, setting goals, reprioritizing existing work, or figuring out how to collaborate better together, I’ll work with you to create a customized plan to help meet your objectives.

 “I was able to create meaningful connections with my team and learn more about my leadership style in the process.”



I know the complexities today’s leaders navigate.

Having led multiple teams (co-located, dispersed, and global), I’ve walked the same journey as many who are trying to balance delivering results with the complexity of managing human beings. 

As a younger leader, I was more results-focused than people oriented, and, over time, I learned the enormous value of leading from a place of heart. Today, I know how to help leaders balance the two.

To help you meet your goals, I can be a thought partner, plan and facilitate meetings (virtual and offsite) that lead to the most important outcomes, deliver workshops, and offer coaching to help your team and its members navigate specific challenges.

 “The process…felt like an accelerator for developing the trust that fuels our team dynamic to this day.”



 Meeting Facilitation

Participants regularly comment about how engaged everyone was from the inviting and warm tone I set and surprised at how much we accomplish together.

Leaders often have a variety of things they want to cover in an offsite or virtual meeting (usually more than there is time for), and it can be daunting to figure out HOW to achieve their outcomes while engaging everyone in a way that is meaningful and fun. 

I can help you focus on what is most important and then plan the time and activities that are inclusive and productive.

New Leader Assimilation

One of the best ways to kick-start a new leadership opportunity! Ideally conducted in your first 2-6 months in the new role.

A New Leader Assimilation process helps gather practical feedback from team members about their needs, preferences, concerns, and priorities, and creates two-way dialogue for you to respond to their requests. Team members get to know you better which helps them feel valued and heard, and can accelerate your credibility and impact. 

This helps build trust and relationships, fostering open and transparent communication from the beginning.

Enneagram Team Session

One of my most popular offers!

Leverages the popular Enneagram framework, one of the most powerful self-awareness tools.

These sessions help team members get to know themselves and each other better and to explore team dynamics around communication and conflict so they can collaborate more effectively at work. 

This can be used as team building or taken further to work on individual and collective team development. 


 Get on my calendar.

Find a time on my calendar for a free 30-minute exploratory call.

Tell me about yourself.

Answer some questions so I can get to know you and your team and understand how I can help.

Let’s chat.

We’ll start with an exploratory conversation so I can learn more about the challenges you’re facing and the goals you have in mind. I’ll share ideas and make some recommendations, and answer any questions you may have.

Get started.

If working together is a good fit, we’ll come up with a plan that’s tailored to your needs and considers your hopes, timeframe, and budget.