Everyone needs support from time to time.

I’ll help you overcome the overwhelm and breathe easier.

Is there something you’re concerned about, wanting to get better at, or needing to talk about?

  • you’re trying to manage a situation that isn’t sustainable and you’re on the verge of burnout.

  • you’re facing new responsibilities at work, and wondering if you’re really up for the challenge.

  • a thorny relationship at work is causing issues that you don’t know how to address.

  • something’s going on in your life (a new baby, death of a parent, divorce) that’s making work draining.

  • you have a major decision to make or a particular crossroads you’re facing.

  • you’re an experienced leader wanting to level-up your leadership effectiveness.

  • you’ve been curious about how coaching can help you but aren’t sure what to focus on. 

  • something’s keeping you stuck, and you’re not sure how to move forward.


When it comes to issues that impact your work, anything can be a source of stress. Even happy life events, like the birth of a child, can be enough to throw us off our rhythm and leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or not good enough. 

Learning to ask for and accept help when you need it makes dealing with the inevitable ups and downs so much more doable.

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 “My life has been forever changed by the work we did together.

Day in and day out, I feel centered and better able to make important business decisions.”


Transitions and turning points in life and work are unavoidable.

So why not see them as invitations to grow?

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As your coach, it's my job to help you nail down a clear and realistic path forward from where you are now to where you’d like to be.

I’ll ask questions that help illuminate the big picture, listen well, and help you explore multiple perspectives.

I do this from a point of view that is deeply curious and compassionate, believing in both your capability to be with your current situation and your innate brilliance to navigate it.

I'm not a problem-solver but rather a helpful companion on your journey.

Our work together is collaborative, creative, and compassionate.


Get Acquainted.

I meet you where you are, learning about the current context, challenge, or circumstances you are dealing with.

I join you on your journey, NOT as an advisor to tell you what to do, but as a skillful companion to ask you questions and help you connect more deeply to yourself. 


Get Curious. 

With compassion, we turn toward your direct experience to learn more about what is happening for you. 

We invite feelings, thoughts and sensations to be present, even when they’re uncomfortable. Without judgement, we seek to understand the wisdom behind them. 

Get Clear.

You’ll start to feel more resilient, present, and capable, with a fresh perspective that clarifies your direction and next steps. You’ll more easily discover your own creativity and resourcefulness and take action from your own innate wisdom. Ultimately, this will bring you a sense of ease, joy, possibility and connection.

Here are a few ways we can structure our work together:


Are you facing a particular challenge and need to talk it through or think out loud?  Or thinking about a longer-term coaching engagement and wanting to test it out first?

Let’s plan on 3 coaching sessions.  ($525-$750)


Get to know more about yourself with The Enneagram, a powerful tool to learn about your strengths, blind spots, challenges, and developmental opportunities.

After you take a robust online assessment (retail value $60), we’ll debrief the results in a 90-minute session and select something to get more curious about over the coming weeks. We then have a follow-up 1 hour integration session to explore insights that have emerged. 

A great stand-alone program for individuals and new leaders or to explore a coaching topic for a longer engagement.($475-$675)


The Leadership Circle Profile is a powerful tool to better understand your current patterns, potential liabilities and leadership gifts. To get a taste, you can take the free online self-assessment, and if you find it useful, we can move onto a full 360-degree assessment to gather feedback about the way others see and experience your leadership tendencies and overall effectiveness. 

This involves a minimum of three sessions; a 1-hour planning session, a 90 minute debrief session, and a 1-hour integration/next steps session.  ($1250 - $1475)


We all need support, sometimes more than others. If you’ve just landed that exciting promotion, stepped into leading a new team, or are dealing with a significant life event, you’ve got a lot on your plate, and, likely, a lot on your mind.

What better gift to give yourself during this time than a companion who will help you navigate the journey?

We’ll work together to set a coaching goal and developmental container for the program and use coaching sessions to work through challenges that arise.

A 6 month program could look like 12 bi-weekly sessions ($2100-$3000)


I believe that everyone can use a coach, not just executives!  

My rates are designed to make coaching accessible for “the rest of us.”  My sliding scale rate for one coaching session is $175 - 250 per hour.

These are just a few samples… don’t see and offer that fits your needs?  Let’s chat and see what we can come up with.


 Get on my calendar.

Find a time on my calendar for a free 30-minute exploratory call.

Tell me about yourself.

Answer some questions so I can get to know you and understand how I can help.

Ask questions.

At our consultation, I will answer any questions you may have, and we’ll make sure working together feels like a good fit.

Customize your program.

If we’re a good fit, we’ll tailor a plan to your meet your needs.