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Because work gets hard and life gets messy.

Angie Fox supports parents, individuals, leaders & teams facing everyday challenges, choices, and changes.


We all come to work as whole people.

We each have experiences, competencies, and skills we use to do our jobs.

We also have households we manage, children and elders to care for, financial concerns, personal passions and hobbies we enjoy, and community contributions we make.

And, try as we might, we can’t just leave the messy parts of our lives at the office door.

Luckily, we’re actually much better off when we don’t…


When you bring your whole self to work, you bring your best self to work.

And when you value yourself and your colleagues as whole people, you not only increase your effectiveness at work, you improve your personal wellbeing.

I’m Angie Fox

I help parents, individuals, leaders and teams face challenges with more self awareness, compassion, and curiosity, so they can express themselves more authentically, collaborate more creatively, and experience greater connection, purpose, and possibility.

With my unique combination of experience as an Integral and Aletheia Coach, and 25 years working in Training, Learning and Human Development, I’ve learned the enormous value of showing up at work as whole, authentic, versions of ourselves—I’ve seen over and over again how it helps us lead more powerfully, work more purposefully, and enjoy more meaningful lives.


You’re invited to experience less stress, more ease, connection, possibility, and joy…


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As humans we can be so hard on ourselves and each other, and I believe the world needs more compassion in it. We could all get along better and solve bigger problems if we had more empathy for ourselves and one another.

I’ve seen—and numerous studies repeatedly show—that compassion improves cooperation, promotes social connection, reduces burnout, buffers stress, and bolsters wellbeing.


When you take time to get curious about your own experiences as well as those of your team, colleagues, and direct reports, it is FELT and appreciated.

Fostering curiosity has been shown to expand empathy, boost achievement and performance, strengthen relationships, enhance creativity, mitigate defensiveness and aggression, reduce conflict, and improve communication.

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Strong connections at work have been shown to lessen stress, improve performance, increase engagement, enhance innovation, build trust, and encourage collaboration.

Together, compassion, curiosity, and connection make for a better work environment characterized by care, trust, and respect—one in which we can be more ourselves, make bolder contributions, and approach each day with more ease, joy, and possibility.  


“Angie has truly helped our team grow a stronger bond and work closer than ever.”



Get on my calendar.

Find a time on my calendar for a free 30-minute exploratory call.

Tell me about yourself.

Answer some questions so I can get to know you and understand how I can help.

Ask Questions.

At our consultation, I will answer any questions you may have, and we’ll make sure working together feels like a good fit.

Get started.

If working together is a good fit, we’ll come up with a plan that’s tailored to your needs.